Rena Rouvitha Panou

Independent Non-Executive Director, Eurobank Holdings

Membership in Eurobank Holdings Committees

Other posts within the Eurobank Group

  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Eurobank SA
  • Membership in Eurobank Group Committees:
    • Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee – Chairwoman

    • Audit Committee – Member

    • Remuneration Committee – Member

Other current posts

  • Member of the Board of Trustees, Stelios Philanthropic Foundation, UK
  • Member of the Advisory Council of the School of Economics and Management, University of Cyprus
  • Member of the British High Commission (British Embassy) and the British Council
  • Member of the International Advisory Committee Komvos Global Hellenism Network

Former career milestones

  • Independent Non-Executive Director, Cyprus Asset Management Company KEDIPES, Member of Board Audit and Risk Committees (March 2022 – June 2024)
  • Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (Cyta), Chairperson of the Board (July 2016 - July 2021)
  • Pensions & Grants Fund of the Personnel of Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (Cyta), Chairperson of the Fund Board / Management Committee (January 2019 – July 2021)
  • The Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation, Board Member (May 2020 – July 2021)
  • Alpha Bank group companies, Independent Non-Executive Director (Alpha Bank Romania, Alpha Leasing in Greece, Alpha Bank Cyprus) and Chairperson / Member of Board Audit, Risk, Remuneration Committees (November 2014 – April 2020)
  • The Cyprus Development Bank, Chairperson of the Board (September 2008 – April 2014)
  • The Cyprus Popular Bank (Laiki) Group, Senior Executive positions including Group General Manager and Managing Director of Laiki Bank (Hellas) SA (October 1991 – November 2006). Member of Laiki Group Board in Cyprus and its subsidiaries in Greece and Australia.
  • Vassiliko Cement, Independent Non-Executive Director and Member of Board Audit Committee (February 2012 – October 2014)


  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1982-1984) USA, Master of Science in Management, Fulbright Scholar
  • University of Cambridge (1980-1981) UK, MPhil Economics
  • London School of Economics (1977-1980) UK, BSc Economics, Metcalfe Scholar

Place of birth

Nicosia, Cyprus

Rena Rouvitha Panou
Independent Non-Executive Director, Eurobank Holdings
End of Office Term: 2027