Announcement of sale of paper-based registered shares

EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A (the “Bank”), following its announcements as of 15.6.2006 and 23.6.2006 regarding the sale of its paper-based registered shares, informs its shareholders of the following:
The Board of Directors of the Capital Market Commission through its decision 6/436/26.7.2007 granted the Bank permission to sell all the 642,596 paper-based registered shares, which had not been submitted to the Bank for dematerialization by 31.10.2006, including all shares which resulted from corporate actions and which had been issued in dematerialized form in favor of the beneficiaries of the paper-based shares. Through the above mentioned decision “EFG Eurobank Securities S.A.” was appointed Member of Athens Exchange responsible to carry out the sale. The commencement of the sale procedure has been set for Friday, August 3rd, 2007.
The sale will be carried out in accordance with the Capital Market Commission’s Regulation 1/380/4.5.2006, as amended by Regulation 3/387/19.6.2006, and article 99A of the Athens Exchange Rulebook. The net proceeds from the sale will be deposited in the Deposits and Loans Fund in favor of beneficiaries shareholders. Regarding the completion of the sale procedure, the Bank will inform the shareholders through a further announcement.
For further information, the shareholders are kindly requested to contact the Bank’s Registry Department: 8, Iolkou Str. and Filikis Etaireias (Building A), 142 34 Nea Ionia, tel. +30 210 35 23 300.

Athens, July 30th, 2007EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A.