Full subscription of the share capital increase in cash in favor of existing shareholders

The Board of Directors of the Bank EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A. (“Bank”) informs the public of the following:
The share capital increase of the Bank in cash in favour of existing shareholders, resolved by the Repeat Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting on August 2, 2007, was fully subscribed through the issue of 61,444,496 new ordinary registered shares.
(i) Those who exercised pre-emption rights during their exercise period (31.8.2007 to 14.9.2007) covered 97.5% of the share capital increase, corresponding to 59,890,488 new shares.
(ii) Those who exercised rights of employees and oversubscription rights covered 2.5% of the share capital increase, corresponding to 1,554,008 new shares, pursuant to the resolutions taken by the Board of Directors on September 17, 2007, and the above mentioned Repeat Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting.
Following the above, the share capital of the Bank increases by € 168,972,364, through the issue of 61,444,496 new ordinary registered shares, of nominal value € 2.75 each.
The new shares resulting from the share capital increase will be delivered to the beneficiaries in electronic (dematerialized) form by credit to their share and securities account in the Electronic (Dematerialised) Securities System. The credit date and the starting date for trading of the new shares on the Athens Exchange will be announced in due course.
Athens, September 17, 2007The Board of Directors ofEFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A.