Eurobank Ergasias S.A. (the “Bank”) announces that, in accordance with the Regulation 809/2004 of the European Commission and L.3401/2005, as in force, the prospectus for the listing in the Athens Exchange (ATHEX) of the new shares resulting from the Bank’s share capital increase, which was fully subscribed by way of contribution in kind from the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund, according to the resolution of the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of 26 August 2013, will be made available to the public on 12/11/2013, following its approval by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (HCMC) on 11/11/2013.
Specifically, the abovementioned Extraordinary General Meeting resolved, among others, the increase of the share capital of the Bank by € 425,625,000.00 through the issuance of 1,418,750,000 new ordinary shares of a nominal value of €0.30 and issue price €0.48 each, in order to raise €681 million subscribed by way of contribution in kind from the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF) and specifically by the contribution of the total number of shares of the «New ΤΤ Hellenic Postbank S.A.» owned by HFSF, (as resulted from their valuation according to article 9, par. 4, c.l. 2190/1920).
The expected time schedule for the listing of the new shares of the share capital increase (SCI) is as follows:
Events | Date |
Approval of the prospectus by the HCMC | 11/11/2013 |
Announcement regarding prospectus’ publication, according to art. 14, par. 3 of l.3401/2005 | 12/11/2013 |
Posting of the prospectus on the websites of the Bank, the ATHEX and the HCMC | 12/11/2013 |
Approval of the listing of the ordinary shares arising from SCI, by ATHEX | 12/11/2013 |
Publication on the ATHEX Daily Price List of the announcement for the listing of the Bank’s shares arising from SCI | 12/11/2013 |
Commencement of trading of the shares arising from the SCI | 14/11/2013 |
It is noted note that in case the abovementioned time schedule is changed, the investment community will be informed with a relevant announcement by the Bank.
The prospectus, as approved by the HCMC Board of Directors on 11/11/2013, will be published on Tuesday, 12 November 2013 in electronic form on the websites of the Bank (www.eurobank.gr), the ATHEX (www.ase.gr ) and the ΗCMC (www.cmc.gov.gr). The abovementioned prospectus, is offered free of charge, upon request of the investors, as of Tuesday, 12 November 2013, in printed form, at the Bank’s offices at 10 Filellinon Str. & 13 Xenofontos Str., 1st floor 105 57, Athens.
For further information, Shareholders are requested to contact the Bank’s Investors’ Information Services Division at 8, Iolkou Str. and Filikis Etaireias (Building A), 142 34 Nea Ionia (tel. +30 210-3523300), during working days and hours.
Athens, 11 November 2013
Eurobank Ergasias S.A.