In accordance with the codified law 2190/1920 “re: Societies Anonymes” and the Articles of Association of the Bank, the Board of Directors invites the shareholders of EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A. to the Annual General Meeting, on Tuesday, April 5th 2005, at 12.30 p.m. at the Hotel “Athenaeum Intercontinental», 89-93 Syggrou Avenue, Athens.
Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders
April 5th, 2005
12.30 p.m.
Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders
April 5th, 2005
12.30 p.m.
In accordance with the codified law 2190/1920 “re: Societies Anonymes” and the Articles of Association of the Bank, the Board of Directors invites the shareholders of EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A. to the Annual General Meeting, on Tuesday, April 5th 2005, at 12.30 p.m. at the Hotel “Athenaeum Intercontinental», 89-93 Syggrou Avenue, Athens.
The items on the Agenda are as follows:
- Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2004. Directors’ Report and Auditors’ Certificate. Distribution of profits.
- Distribution of stock options in accordance with the provisions of article 13 par. 9 of codified law 2190/1920, as in force, to staff and Directors of the Bank and its related companies.
- Discharge of the Directors and the Auditors from all responsibility of indemnification in relation to the financial year 2004.
- Appointment of auditors for the financial year 2005 and determination of their fees.
- Approval of the remuneration of Directors and of agreements in accordance with Articles 23a and 24 of the codified law 2190/1920.
- Acquisition by the Bank of its own shares in accordance with article 16 par. 5 of the codified law 2190/1920.
- Permission, in accordance to Article 23 par. 1 of the codified law 2190/1920 to Directors and executives of the Bank to participate on the Board of Directors or the management of companies with similar objectives.
All shareholders of the Bank have the right to attend this meeting either in person or by proxy. Each share is entitled right to one vote.
To participate in the General Meeting the shareholders must block the total or part of their shares – through their Operator in the Dematerialised Securities System (D.S.S.) or (if the shares are registered in the Special Account of D.S.S.) through the Central Security Depositor S.A. – and submit to the Bank (Shareholders Department, Santaroza 5, Athens tel: +30 210-3357158, +30 210-33159) the relevant Certificate of Blocking of Shares at least five (5) days before the day of the meeting.
Within the same deadline the representation documents must also be submitted to the Bank.
Athens, March 10, 2005THE PRESIDENT
Xenophon K. Nickitas