EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A. announces that, it has purchased 1,855,405 own shares, at an average acquisition price of 26.12 euros per share, during the period from 1.10.2005 to 31.12.2005.
Thepurchaseoftheaboveshareswasrealized according to the decision of theBoardofDirectors of the Bank dated 22.9.2005, whichwasbasedonthe resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of its Shareholders dated 5.4.2005 approving the purchase by the Bank, in accordance with article 16 par.5 of the c.l. 2190/1920, of own shares not exceeding a number corresponding to5% of the total number of the Bank’s shares, including in that percentage all own shares held by the Bank each time.
Following the above, the Bank holds today 1,885,524 own shares in total, which represent 0.59% of its current share capital.
EFG Eurobank Ergasias