Announcement of sale of Fractional Rights 6.7.06

EFGEurobankErgasiasS.A. informsthe Shareholders about the following:

Following the Board of Directors’ Resolution of April 3rd, 2006, taken according to the Decision of the Bank’s Annual General Meeting, the Bank sold through Athens Exchange the fractional rights resulting from the share capital increase through the distribution of free shares, at the average price of 21.98 euros per share.

Beneficiaries of the proceeds from the sale are Shareholders of EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A., who were registered in the records of the Central Securities Depository S.A. on May, 16th, 2006 after the close of business of the Athens Exchange.

Theproceeds from the sale are being distributed to the beneficiaries as follows: The amount corresponding to the Shareholders, who have appointed EFGEurobankErgasiasS.A. as operator of their securities account in the Dematerialized Securities System, was deposited in their accounts on July 5th, 2006. The rest of the Shareholders may collect it from any branch of EFGEurobankErgasias S.A., upon presentation of their Identity Card.

 For further information, the shareholders may contact the Bank’s Shareholders’ Department: 5, Santaroza Str., 105 64 Athens, tel. +30 210 33 57 300.

 Athens, July 6th, 2006

EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A.