Eurobank Ergasias S.A. (“Bank” or “Eurobank”) announces that pursuant to article 63 of l. 4601/2019, as of today, 30.08.2019, the following documents are available to Eurobank’s shareholders on Eurobank’s website as well as at the registered seat of the Bank in Athens, 8 Othonos Str., 105 57 (tel. 210 3337000):

  1. the Draft Demerger Deed of Eurobank;
  2. the transformation balance sheet of the sector being hived down as of 30.06.2019;
  3. the annual financial statements and the Directors’ Reports for the last three (3) financial years of Eurobank;
  4. the Financial Report for the period from January 1st to June 30th, 2019;
  5. the explanatory report of the Draft Demerger Deed of the Board of Directors of Eurobank to its shareholders;
  6. the report on the transformation balance sheet of the hived down sector, for the determination of the book values of the assets and liabilities of the hived down sector as at 30.06.2019 and the Draft Demerger Deed, carried out by the certified auditor Mr. Dimitris Katsibokis (SOEL Reg. No 34671) of the audit firm “Deloitte Certified Public Accountants S.A.”.

Eurobank’s shareholders are invited to take notice of the above documents, which will remain available to them for until the end of the general meeting which will be called to decide for the demerger.

The completion of the hive down is subject to the required by the Law approval by the General Meeting of the shareholders of Eurobank as well as the receipt of all necessary approvals by the competent Authorities.