The company under the trade name “Eurobank Ergasias Services and Holdings S.A. (hereinafter “the Company”), in the context of the implementation of the five year 8th stock option plan (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th series) of the Company (hereinafter “the Plan”), which was established by virtue of the decision of the Company’s Annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated 28.07.2020, informs the investors about the final results of the implementation of the Plan, the exercise price and the number of the shares granted which will be requested to be admitted to trading on the Athens Exchange (ATHEX), as follows:

The stock option plan for the acquisition of newly-issued shares (stock options) of the Company which are granted to members of the Management and personnel of the Company and its affiliated companies according to article 32 of law 4308/2014 (hereinafter “the Beneficiaries”) aims to attract, retain and motivate members of the Company's Management and staff as well as of its affiliated companies, ensuring proper corporate governance and promoting the values of the Company, through implementation of its applicable remuneration policies and the provided therein allocation of variable remuneration as a combination of cash and financial instruments. Thus, the incentives of the members of the Management and staff are aligned with the long-term interests of the Company and its Group. Participants acquire a direct equity interest in the Company and link their performance to the future performance of the Company and its Group in general, as reflected in the increase in the share value of the Company.

In the framework of the implementation of the Plan the Company’s Board of Directors at its meetings dated 25.06.2021, 23.07.2021, 15/16.12.2022, 31.05.2023, 27.06.2023, 31.07.2023 and 28.06.2024 granted stock option rights to specific members of the Management and staff (222 members in total). According to the provisions of the Stock Option Certificates of the 1st series of the 8th Plan, the total number of rights that could be exercised for the year 2024 was 4,328,286 rights, each one corresponding to one new share, while according to the provisions of the Stock Option Certificates of the 2nd series of the 8th Plan, the total number of rights that could be exercised for the year 2024 was 2,480,567 rights, each one corresponding to one new share. Furthermore, according to the provisions of the Stock Option Certificates of the 3rd series of the 8th Plan, the total number of rights that could be exercised for the year 2024 was 2,470,479 rights, each one corresponding to one new share. Finally, according to the provisions of the Stock Option Certificates of the 4th series of the 8th Plan, the total number of rights that could be exercised for the year 2024 was 3,094,433 rights, each one corresponding to one new share.

From the above stock option rights for the year 2024, during the period from 24.07.2024 up to 05.08.2023, 12,337,225 were exercised by 221 beneficiaries who deposited on time and duly the relevant amount in the special bank account held by the Company.

Following the above the total number of shares that will be issued in the name of the ones who exercised their rights amounts to 12,337,225 common voting shares, with a nominal value of 0.22 euros per share, whereas the exercise price of the new shares amounted to 0.23 Euros per share.

The cash payment for the purchase of the above shares was completed in due time and amounted to 2,837,561.75 euros.

By way of the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company dated 30.08.2024 the Company’s share capital increased by the amount of 2,714,189.50 euros, through the issue of 12,337,225 new common voting shares, of a nominal value of 0.22 euros per share and exercise price of 0.23 euros per share, the difference between exercise price of the new shares and their nominal value being transferred to the account “Share premium”, and article 5 of the Company’s Articles of Association was respectively amended. The said decision was registered on 03.09.2024. in the General Commercial Register (G.E.M.I.), with registration code number 4410733, by the Ministry of Development and Investment, Department of Listed Sociétés Anonymes.

It is noted that, following the above increase, the share capital of the Company now amounts to 808,881,992.38 euros, divided into 3,676,736,329 common shares with a nominal value of 0.22 euros each.

Furthermore, by way of the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company dated 30.08.2024 the payment of the aforementioned share capital increase was certified, in accordance with the provisions of articles 20 and 113 of law 4548/2018. The said decision was registered on 03.09.2024 in the General Commercial Register (G.E.M.I.), with registration code number 4411272, by the Ministry of Development and Investment, Department of Listed Sociétés Anonymes.

Following the above, the Company will take all necessary actions, in accordance with the current legislative and regulatory framework, in order for the new shares to be admitted to trading on the ATHEX. The new shares will be registered with the ATHEX Hellenic Central Securities Depository records and the ATHEX Dematerialized Securities System accounts and portfolios of the above beneficiaries, as provided by the law. The Company will inform the public about the exact date of admission of the new shares to be traded on the ATHEX.

Responsible for the preparation of this information document and the accuracy of its content are:
- Harris Kokologiannis, General Manager, Group Finance, Group Chief Financial Officer (Group CFO), tel: +30 214 406 0313, and
- Natassa Paschali, General Manager, Group Human Resources General Division, (Group CHRO), tel: +30 214 405 9312

This present document can be obtained by the interested parties in hard copy either at the Investor Information Services Division of the Company (8, Iolkou & Filikis Etaireias Streets, 14234 N. Ionia, tel.+30 214 4046400) or at the Company’s offices at 8 Othonos str., 105 57 Athens, and in electronic form on the website of the Company (

For any further information concerning this document, the interested parties may contact the Investor Information Services Division of the Company by email at or by telephone at +30 214 4046400 (daily between 09.30 – 17.00).