The Group applies the elements of the Three Lines of Defence (3LoD) model for the management of climate-related and environmental (CR&E) risks, as well as ESG aspects. The 3LoD model enhances risk management and control by clarifying roles and responsibilities within the organisation.
The updated ESG Governance structure aims to further enhance the effective oversight of sustainability matters at Management/Board level. Direct reporting lines are described in the section below.
Over the past year, the Bank has taken significant steps to enhance its sustainability governance model, and support the roll out of its Sustainability Strategy and the integration of ESG and C&E risks.

Eurobank enhanced its sustainability Governance model and supported the roll out of its Sustainability Strategy and the integration of ESG and C&E risks.
Enhanced Governance Structure and Committees
- Oversight of climate risks at management body level through allocation of responsibilities to Board and management committees.
- A Board Member is responsible for climate-related and environmental risks.
- Establishment of 2 Committees that supplement the governance arrangements in the area of ESG / climate risk, i.e. Environmental, Social & Governance Management Committee and Climate Risk Stress Test Committee.
- Appointment of Group Senior Sustainability Officer to lead the sustainability initiatives.
Integration of CR&E Risk Management across the 3 lines of defence
- Dedicated teams within the CIB and Retail Divisions, for overseeing ESG and sustainable financing activities.
- Automated process established to assess and classify sustainable financing opportunities.
- ESG Unit responsible for designing and monitoring the Operational Impact Strategy (OIS), monitoring the Operational sustainability performance and coordinating sustainability-linked operational activities that enhance the Bank’s Impact. In this context, the Unit is responsible for collecting, calculating and reviewing data related to the operational impact, in line with the associated certified management systems (ISO 14001/EMAS, ISO 50001, ISO 14064). The Head of the ESG Unit acts as secretary to the Eurobank Environmental, Social & Governance Management Committee (ESG ManCo).
- Group Sustainability Risk responsible for managing and monitoring CR&E risks, PMO office for implementing the Climate-related and Environmental risks roadmap, and designing and monitoring the Financed Impact Strategy, along with the Business and Risk Units.
- Intensive training on ESG, Sustainable Finance and CR&E risk topics to Bank personnel.
The roles and responsibilities of the key governance bodies / committees / divisions are outlined below.
Eurobank Holdings / Eurobank Board of Directors (BoDs/Boards)
The Eurobank Holdings / Eurobank Boards’ role is to offer entrepreneurial leadership to the Group in the context of prudent and effective controls facilitating the assessment and management of risks. The Boards establish the Group’s strategic objectives, ensure the availability of essential financial and human resources for the Group to fulfil its purpose, and evaluate management performance. The Boards define the Group’s values and standards, ensuring that its responsibilities to shareholders and others are acknowledged and fulfilled. All members of the Boards are required to act in the best interests of the Group, aligning with their legal duties. The Eurobank Holdings / Eurobank Boards have assigned an executive member as the Board Member responsible for climate and environmental risks. As part of their duties, this member updates, at least on a semi-annual basis, the Eurobank Holdings / Eurobank Board Risk Committees (BRC), which, in accordance with their Terms of Reference, are responsible for overseeing (among others) the climate related and environmental risks, at least on a semi-annual basis. As per international best practices, effective Board oversight with respect to the Group’s Sustainability Strategy is also safeguarded through the regular inclusion of ESG items in the agendas of Board Meetings.
Eurobank Holdings / Eurobank Board Risk Committee (BRC)
The Eurobank Holdings / Eurobank Board Risk Committee (BRC), among others, oversees the implementation of the strategies for capital and liquidity management, as well as for all material risks of the Group, including climate-related and environmental risks, as identified through the Risk Identification and Materiality Assessment (RIMA) process and listed in the relevant RIMA report, to assess their adequacy against the approved risk appetite and strategy. In addition, the BRC determines, among others, the principles which govern risk management (including climate-related and environmental risks) across the Bank and the Group in terms of identifying, measuring, monitoring, controlling and mitigating risks. To this end, the Committee approves risk principles, risk policies, risk procedures and risk methodologies, and the Specific Risk Management Framework (e.g. Climate and Environmental Risk).
Eurobank Management Risk Committee (MRC)
The Eurobank Management Risk Committee (MRC) is responsible for overseeing the risk management framework of Eurobank. As part of its responsibilities, the MRC facilitates the reporting to the BRC on a wide range of risk-related topics under its purview, including climate and environmental risks. The MRC ensures that material risks are identified and promptly escalated to the BRC and that the necessary policies and procedures are in place to prudently manage risk and to comply with regulatory requirements.
Eurobank Environmental, Social & Governance Management Committee (ESG ManCo)
The Eurobank Environmental, Social & Governance Management Committee (ESG ManCo) provides strategic direction on ESG initiatives, reviews the Sustainability Strategy prior to approval, integrates the elements of the Sustainability Strategy into Eurobank’s business model and operations, approves eligible assets based on the Green Bond Framework, regularly measures and analyses the progress of sustainable goals and performance targets, and ensures the proper implementation of Sustainability-related policies and procedures, in accordance with supervisory requirements and voluntary commitments. It is chaired by the Board Member responsible for CR&E risks.
Eurobank Climate Risk Stress Test Committee (CRSTC)
The Eurobank Climate Risk Stress Test Committee (CRSTC) is responsible for designing and executing the Group’s CRST Programme, as well as for coordinating all activities relating to Climate Risk Stress Testing, including risk identification, scenario design and stress test execution, and reviewing and challenging the output at each stage of the process prior to escalating to the Executive Board.
Group Senior Sustainability Officer (GSSO)
The Group Senior Sustainability Officer (GSSO) is responsible for leading and coordinating the Group’s sustainability initiatives, for both operational and financed impact.
GSSO manages Sustainability, co-manages, as a secondary reporting line, along with the Senior Risk Executive Officer the Group Sustainability Risk, coordinates Sustainability Center of Excellence of CIB and Retail and oversees the sustainability programs of international subsidiaries.
The role of the GSSO is to foster a deep understanding of sustainability principles and practices across the organization by building a culture of sustainability and collaborating together with senior management to embed sustainability into the Group’s strategic decision-making processes. GSSO secures and allocates resources effectively to support the Group’s sustainability initiatives and advocates for necessary investments in sustainability projects and technologies. GSSO serves as the liaison between the Group and Market/External Stakeholders, closely monitoring industry trends, regulatory changes and best practices in sustainability and ensuring that the Group remains at the forefront of sustainability innovation and compliance.
ESG Unit
The ESG Unit acts as a custodian of ESG Principles and Culture to enhance the Bank’s Impact, and as a cross-functional coordinator to ensure alignment on sustainability issues and interdependencies, as well as compliance with relevant existing and upcoming operational impact related regulations. Specifically, the ESG Unit is responsible for designing/reviewing the Operational Impact Strategy and monitoring its implementation, with a leading role in selected areas, also providing support to international subsidiaries. Furthermore, the ESG Unit coordinates and prepares ESG operational impact-related reports in line with applicable standards/regulations, in cooperation with involved subject-matter responsible Units, while it is responsible for the UNEP FI PRB implementation.
Being responsible for the oversight of the Bank’s overall ESG operational performance, its key roles include the centralised management of Sustainability Ratings, seeking continuous improvement in related scores. The ESG Unit also manages the ISO Management Systems under the related provisions of equivalent policies and the Operational Impact Strategy. The ESG Unit collects, calculates and reviews data related to the operational impact, in line with the associated certified management systems, while it also ensures implementation of corresponding initiatives (e.g. operational net zero transition, energy self-production, energy and emission monitoring, green building certifications, recycling and circular economy management).
Business Units
The Business Units – Corporate and Investment Banking, and Retail Banking – are primarily involved in executing all portfolio-related sustainable activities, including the implementation of the Financed Impact Strategy. Key responsibilities are classified, inter alia, under the following 3 main categories:
- Sustainability Strategy Executing and monitoring financed and specific operational sustainable goals and performance targets in line with the Net Zero Strategy.
- Sustainable Financing/Funding and Investments Identifying sustainable financing opportunities, and designing relevant solutions and sustainable products. Performing the sustainable financing assessment, in line with the Sustainable Finance Framework. Implementing and monitoring the Sustainable Investment and Green Bond Frameworks.
- ESG and CR&E Risk Management Performing the overall ESG Risk Assessment. Identifying and implementing mitigation action plans for ESG and CR&E risks. To effectively manage ESG and sustainable-financing activities, dedicated functions within CIB and Retail namely, the Sustainability Centre of Excellence are being formed. In the meantime, the CIB ESG coordinator is responsible for overseeing ESG and sustainable financing activities. Regarding the Retail Banking Unit, the Bank has introduced 2 ESG coordinators, for Retail, Business and Individual clients respectively, who are responsible for organising and supporting sustainable-related activities.
Group Sustainability Risk (GSR)
The GSR has the overall responsibility for overseeing, monitoring and managing sustainability risks. More specifically, the GSR prepares and maintains the Bank’s Sustainability risk management policies, processes and methodologies, in collaboration with the ESG Unit, and the Business and Risk Units. In addition, it leads the development and implementation of the Sustainability risk-related framework, policies and processes, in coordination with other units, as well as acts, monitors and reports the progress of the implementation of the developed Climate Risk action plan and reports to the Board for Sustainability risks matters.
In addition, the GSR reviews and challenges the involved stakeholders as to setting the Financed Impact Strategy (including Net Zero action plan), as well as monitors the Financed Impact Strategy and reports financial targets and KPIs. The GSR also leads the 2nd line of defence independent sustainable lending re-assessment process against the Sustainable Finance criteria, including the characterisation of products of the Retail Portfolio as sustainable. Furthermore, the GSR develops and maintains the Climate Risk Stress Testing Framework, as well as the Scenario Analysis and Stress Test methodologies, and coordinates the performance of Sustainability Risk scenario analysis and relevant stress test exercises at Group level.
Group Compliance
Group Compliance’s key roles and responsibilities include:
- Regulatory compliance
• Monitors the regulatory environment and emerging trends around sustainable financing, and informs the Bank of the respective changes/enhancements to the relevant policies and documents regarding sustainable financing offerings.
• Issues a regulatory bulletin, which includes regulatory developments and their impact on the Bank’s operation.
• Monitors the alignment of the Bank’s activities with applicable laws, rules, regulations and standards, including sustainable finance regulatory aspects.
- Compliance risk assessment
• Designs appropriate risk assessment methodologies for compliance risk.
• Establishes a monitoring programme for the relevant activities within its area of responsibility.
• Assesses conduct risk in relation to sustainability financing.
- Policy updates
• Maintains the Bank’s conduct-related policies, including their sustainability components.
- Product offering monitoring
• Provides advice and recommends controls over the Bank’s sustainability product offerings, while it also checks that promotional statements do not misrepresent products or services offered to customers, through its participation in the Products and Services Committee and related processes.
Internal Audit Group (IAG)
The role of the 3rd line of defence within Eurobank’s governance and organisational structure is allocated to the IAG, for the independent review of the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control framework. The IAG mandate covers all processes, risks and mechanisms, for all business lines and internal units. In recent years, the IAG has recognised ESG/CR&E internal controls and the risk management framework as areas of focus, and has taken several initiatives and actions within its strategy. These aim to ensure adequate coverage of the area, in line with the Bank’s strategy, as well as industry and regulatory developments.
Specifically, the IAG strategically focuses on the ESG/CR&E risks, building on the following pillars:
- Methodology/ Infrastructure – The Management of ESG/CR&E risks and the Bank’s initiatives are recognised as a separate auditable area, subject to risk assessment. Furthermore, climate risk is recognised as a separate risk category, assessed in all relevant areas of the audit universe, in line with the Bank’s risk taxonomy. This category will be extended to cover the entire spectrum of ESG risks, in line with respective developments in the Bank’s risk definitions.
- Resources – The IAG has extended its pool of professional qualifications/ certifications to the area of sustainability, with one staff member certified in Sustainability and Climate Risk, and with more auditors in the pipeline to obtain relevant industry professional body certifications. This comes simultaneously with other initiatives in place, aimed at further upskilling through dedicated training sessions, on-the-job upskilling (participation in and consultation on the Bank’s projects and initiatives around sustainability) and increased awareness (e.g. IAG ESG Focus Group focused at sharing knowledge on sustainable practices and regulatory initiatives). At this stage, the IAG has opted to embed the right mix of skills and knowledge within its existing organisational structure, given the multifaceted nature of ESG risks, affecting all businesses and operations of the Bank, to a siloed approach, aiming at a holistic consideration of the Bank’s ESG risks.
- ESG / Audit Universe Coverage and Audit Planning – Following the infrastructure steps described above, since 2021, the IAG has been carrying out several assignments around sustainability, along with monitoring the Bank’s initiatives in this area on a risk-based approach. Key areas of focus include risk materiality, governance and strategy, C&E risk management framework, product design and offering, reporting disclosures, etc. These initiatives come in addition to the existing coverage by IA in sustainability areas, such as consideration of AML perspectives in loan origination (governance-social financing practices), review of compliance with the code of conduct or market practice codes (governance operational and financing practices) and relevant non-recurring and forensic audit work.
Alignment of the Remuneration Policy with the Bank’s CR&E risks objectives
The Bank has established a Remuneration Policy that is applicable to all Bank employees and covers their total remuneration. The Remuneration Policy forms an integral part of the Bank’s corporate governance practice. It is developed in accordance with its operational model, business strategy, objectives and long-term interests, and incorporates measures to avoid conflict of interest.
The Remuneration Policy promotes sound and effective risk management. It is consistent with the objectives of the Bank’s business and risk strategy, corporate culture and values, and risk culture, with regard to environmental, social and governance (ESG) risk factors, including long-term interests of the Bank and the measures used to avoid conflicts of interest, while it should not encourage excessive risk-taking on behalf of the Bank. The Bank ensures that remuneration practices are aligned with their overall risk appetite, taking into account all risks, including climate related and environmental risks, reputational risks, as well as risks resulting from the mis-selling of products. More specifically, the Remuneration Policy has been designed to:
- Be consistent with and to promote sound and effective risk management.
- Stimulate behaviour consistent with climate-related, and environmental and sustainability risks approach.
- Comply with the Bank’s voluntary commitments.
Its basic principles are to:
- Be gender neutral and non-discriminatory in any aspect of its implementation.
- Safeguard that remuneration is sufficient to retain and attract executives with appropriate skill and experience.
- Monitor that internal equity between all Units is applied.
- Avoid excessive risk-taking, even in the case of direct or indirect sustainability risks.
- Link remuneration with long-term performance.
Dedicated group-wide programme to address the requirements of the ESG ecosystem
Eurobank launched a dedicated Group-wide initiative, namely “Programme Field”, with the aim to develop and implement its Sustainability Strategy, integrate and effectively manage climate risks, fulfil its UNEP FI PRB signatory commitments, and ensure readiness to comply with sustainability-related regulations (i.e. EU Green Deal, ECB Guide on climate-related and environmental risks, EU Taxonomy Regulation, etc.). Through this initiative, the Group has identified, assessed and implements relevant action plans addressing CR&E risks within the 3 lines of defence.
Integration of ESG Risk Management across the 3 lines of defence
The Group applies a model of defined roles and responsibilities regarding the management of ESG/CR&E risks across the 3 lines of defence, considering all relevant guidelines and regulatory requirements:
- 1st line of defence The Business Units (CIB and Retail Banking) are responsible for assessing, managing and monitoring risk levels in all risk categories, including ESG/CR&E risks. The CIB ESG coordinator, which is being evolved to a Sustainability Center of Excellence, along with the Retail Banking ESG coordinators, are responsible for undertaking all relevant ESG and sustainable finance activities. In addition, the role of the ESG Unit in the 1st line of defence includes the responsibility for designing and monitoring the implementation of the Operational Impact Strategy, as well as Sustainability Reporting, Environmental & Energy Reporting (EMAS Report, Greenhouse Gases Emissions Report per ISO14064) and Sustainability ratings.
- 2nd line of defence The Group Risk Management (GRM) is independent from the Business Units and is fully responsible for setting the risk strategy and risk appetite framework, including ESG/CR&E risks. Within the GRM, a dedicated Group Sustainability Risk has been established, with the overall responsibility for overseeing, monitoring and managing ESG/CR&E risks and sustainable financing activities, in cooperation with the other GRM Units, as well as with Group Compliance.
- 3rd line of defence The Internal Audit Group (IAG) independently reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control framework in place regarding ESG/CR&E risk management, following a risk-based approach.
Sustainable Finance Framework Assessment Tool
The Group developed a web-based Sustainable Finance Framework (SFF) Assessment Tool for the Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB) portfolio, so as to underpin the classification and evaluation of sustainable/green financing opportunities in a structural manner, as part of the loan origination process. The SFF Assessment Tool is delivered through an online platform, a workflow-based application which automates the process of assessing the Bank’s financing solutions against the criteria defined in the SFF.
ESG awareness and capacity building
Eurobank is placing great emphasis on building capacity among its employees, so they are able to support its clients on their sustainability journey and their green transition. To this end, in addition to launching ESG initiatives for its clients, Eurobank implements an ESG upskilling plan for its employees. Eurobank’s internal awareness sessions regarding ESG and CR&E matters cover both members of the management body and other stakeholders across the Bank (e.g. business and risk units). Additionally, the Bank has offered training to stakeholders from all 3 lines of defence (i.e. business units, risk management units, Internal Audit) regarding the SFF, to enhance their understanding. Specifically, the following awareness programmes are in place.
Employee ESG awareness training modules
Since 2022, the Bank has launched “ESG Thinking”, an ESG awareness programme for employees, consisting of the following modules:
- Module 1 – ESG and World
Fundamentals of ESG, megatrends and related risk and opportunities as well as the importance of ESG within an organisation described through business cases.
- Module 2 – ESG and the Bank
Key drivers of ESG, its impact on the banking industry and the ESG regulatory landscape. The ways in which the Bank engages with sustainability through frameworks, initiatives and products.
- Module 3 – ESG and Me
Content aiming to cultivate an open and growth mindset when dealing with sustainability issues by motivating employees to take personal action through practical steps personally and professionally.
Since 2022, 2,543 employees have participated in the ESG Thinking programme, totalling 3,132 learning hours.
Dedicated training sessions to Business Units
Apart from the general upskilling programmes, during the past years the Bank has conducted dedicated sessions tailored to the requirements of specific business units and functions, crucial for delivering the Bank’s strategy. These sessions focused on engaging with clients to enable their green transition efforts and identifying sustainable financing opportunities through publicly available sources, such as company sustainability disclosures.
Since 2022, over 500 employees have participated in dedicated training sessions, totalling over 1,300 hours of training.