Annual Report - Business and Sustainability

    Sustainable operations

    Sustainable operations
    To ensure a sustainable future, Eurobank has introduced sustainability in all its operations. Its approach to environmental, social and governance issues is reflected in its day-to-day operations, aiming to create strong social value and long-term sustainable performance.


    With a view to protecting the environment through its operations, Eurobank has adopted specific policies and applies certified management systems, leading, inter alia, to significant reductions in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and aiming to achieve significant reduction in water consumption and paper use.

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    Eurobank believes in providing equal opportunities for all employees, and ensures merit-based evaluation and rewards. It supports youth entrepreneurship and the sustainable growth of SMEs, and offers innovative services and tools to enhance customer experience. To raise awareness on ESG issues, it has launched a series of initiatives for internal and external audiences. It also actively contributes to addressing the demographic issue, promoting education and supporting vulnerable social groups.


    The Group supports responsible corporate governance, based on codes and policies that ensure the integrity and transparency of its operations. Eurobank continues to strengthen its internal processes through implementing certified management systems. As cybersecurity and personal data protection are top priorities, the Bank proactively invests in the latest security technologies and controls. It has a Code of Conduct and Ethics and other mechanisms and policies in place for operating with ethical integrity. It also forges robust supplier relations and follows sustainable procurement practices.

    Sustainable operations at select international subsidiaries

    The Eurobank international subsidiaries ensure data security, customer privacy and launch initiatives that are in line with the Bank’s principles of business ethics and excellence, transparency, human rights and accountability.
