Annual Report - Business and Sustainability


Eurobank issues its Annual Report 2023 – Business & Sustainability with a view to fully inform its stakeholders about its performance in the sustainable development pillars (economy, society, environment). This publication was prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards (2021), applying the reporting principles (accuracy, balance, clarity, comparability, completeness, sustainability context, timeliness, verifiability). This reporting approach aims at providing comprehensive and transparent information to stakeholders, relates to Eurobank’s response to their expectations and interests, and invests in continuously promoting open dialogue with them.

The contents of the Annual Report 2023 – Business & Sustainability were determined based on the expectations and concerns of stakeholders, as well as on the operations of Eurobank and the banking sector in general. Eurobank proactively adopted a double materiality analysis for the first year, under the new European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), which is the key process used to define the Annual Report 2023 – Business & Sustainability contents. Eurobank identified, assessed, prioritised and validated the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) impacts arising from its activities and also assessed risks and opportunities that may have material financial influence to Eurobank, throughout its value chain. In this context, Eurobank has adopted a forward-thinking approach by incorporating the concept of Double Materiality into its operational and financed activities.

Eurobank’s Management actively participates in the double materiality analysis, whereas Eurobank’s ESG Management Committee validates the resulting material issues to be reported. The top management, which includes the GSSO, Deputy CEOs and the CEO, reviews and approves the final Annual Report 2023 – Business & Sustainability. Additionally, the sustainability reporting frameworks of the GRI sectoral supplement on Financial Services, the SASB Commercial Banks Standard, as well as the Athens Stock Exchange (ATHEX) ESG Reporting Guide (2024) have been considered. This report also incorporates the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, as well as the AccountAbility AA1000 2018 Principles. For further information on the Report’s disclosures in accordance with the guidelines of the GRI Standards, SASB Commercial Banks Standard, AccountAbility AA1000 2018 Principles and Athens Stock Exchange ESG Reporting Guide, refer to the respective Appendices.

The scope for the Annual Report 2023 – Business & Sustainability encompasses operations performed by Eurobank Holdings and its key subsidiaries (please refer to ESG Data Pack) in Greece and abroad, where specified, for the period from 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023, in alignment with the Bank’s financial reporting period. The material topics disclosed across the report relate mainly to the Bank due to its significance for the Group, while information on the performance and approach of key subsidiaries is also disclosed. Regarding metrics and other quantitative information disclosed across the report, there is an indication on whether they relate to the Bank or the Group.

A dedicated project team was set up, composed of representatives from selected Units (Group Strategy, Group Human Resources, Group Marketing and Communication, Group Corporate Secretariat, Group Compliance, Retail and Digital Banking, Corporate & Investment Banking, International Activities, Group Corporate Security, Procurement, Investor Relations, Group Finance, Group Sustainability Risk, ESG Unit) and coordinated by Program Field to prepare the Annual Report 2023 – Business & Sustainability. The team’s main task was to collect and evaluate the necessary information and data relating to sustainable development (economy, society, human resources, environment), and ensure that all aspects are covered. Acknowledging the significance of external assurance for the Annual Report 2023 –Business & Sustainability and aiming to achieve transparency, and strengthen the credibility of the data and information presented, the Management has decided to assign the external assurance of the Report’s content to DELOITTE SA independent auditors.

To fulfil its commitments to UNEP FI PRB, Eurobank has embedded the UNEP FI 4th PRB Progress Report in the Annual Report 2023 – Business & Sustainability, per recommended practice. The Independent Auditor’s Limited Assurance Report for the Eurobank Annual Report 2023 – Business & Sustainability is on page 166, and for the UNEP FI 4th PRB Progress Report on page 161. The Annual Report 2023 – Business & Sustainability was published in July 2024.

Eurobank welcomes any comments and remarks which could contribute to its effort for continuous improvement. Comments and remarks regarding the Annual Report 2023 – Business & Sustainability may be submitted over the phone (+30 211 1868229), by email ( or by post (Eurobank SA Corporate Communications Sector, 40-44 Praxitelous Street, 10561 Athens, Greece). The previous Report, concerning the period from 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022, was published in July 2023. Previous Reports (annual reporting cycle) are available online.

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The Annual Report 2023 Business and Sustainability microsite is the website version of the Αnnual Report 2023 and was based on the English pdf. In the event of discrepancies between the website version and the pdf, the pdf prevails.